Posts tagged spirit
Ghostbusters Afterlife - Ghost Trap

Ghostbusters Afterlife A deeper look into the world of Ghostbusters and Ghostbusting with the Ghost Trap ! We look at yet another essential part of the Ghosbusters equipment the Ghost Trap or Moen Trap - How does it work ? We explain here……The Ghost Trap as seen in Ghostbusters 1, Ghostbuster 2, and Ghostbuster afterlife has been described as a ‘miniature Ecto Containment Unit’

It utilizes the same basic design as it's larger counterpart; a series of lasers designed specifically for the incarceration of spirits, however the overall size and power of an entity can determine how many entities can be contained in one ghost trap.

The smaller the entities, the more can be contained in the trap. But the bigger the ghost, the less spirits can be contained. When two or more ghosts are trapped together, their molecules merge and cannot be separated without releasing both.

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Ghostbusters - P.K.E Meter - How does it work ?

We explain how Ghostbusters P.K.E. Meter works, which is similarly to a EMF Detector or a Gas Detector, it is designed specifically to locate P.K.E. (Psychokinetic Energy) in an area.

It is set to register P.K.E. due to this being the substance that makes up most paranormal entities. The P.K.E. Meter tells the operator if an entity is in the area through both indication of its arms with blinking indicator lights, but also through the LED readout screen.

The P.K.E. Meter also informs the operator of the ghost's classification, and how strong it is. Read more by click on our ‘ Blog to the Future ‘ Blog !

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